Highlights from the 2016 Newcastle Poetry Festival at the Northern Stage. Featuring readings from Linda France, Colette Bryce, Sean O’Brien, W.N. Herbert, Don Share, Stephen…

Cynthia Fuller, Christy Ducker, Sean O’Brien, Linda France, W.N. Herbert, Kathy Bainbridge Moran, Ellen Phethean, Tara Bergin, and Jackie Kay reading at The Poetry Cure,…

W.N. Herbert reading ‘Talking Water Blues’, ‘A Lament for Billy Mackenzie’, and ‘A Night Story’ at Culture Lab. This reading took place on 3rd March…

Tara Bergin, Christy Ducker, Linda France, Cynthia Fuller, W.N. Herbert, Sean O’Brien, and Ahren Warner, reading poems written in response to the Screaming Steel exhibition at…

Tara Bergin, Christy Ducker, Linda France, Cynthia Fuller, W.N. Herbert, Sean O’Brien, and Ahren Warner, reading poems written in response to the Screaming Steel exhibition…

Sean O’Brien and W.N. Herbert reading translations of the poetry of Corsino Fortes, translated by Sean O’Brien and Daniel Hahn. This reading took place at…

Douglas Dunn, Linda France, W.N. Herbert and John Halliday reading at Percy Building to launch Don’t Bring Me No Rocking Chair. These images were taken…

John Halliday reading ‘Climbing My Grandfather’ by Andrew Waterhouse, Linda France reading ‘In the Waiting Room’ by herself, and ‘How to Behave With The Ill’…

David Constantine in conversation with W.N. Herbert about poetry translation for the Poetics of the Archive project. This interview took place in February 2014 at…

Antiphonal is a two site multi-channel audio installation of poetry and field recordings created by Tom Schofield. Twelve poems were commissioned in response to the…
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