
Welcome to the Newcastle Centre for the Literary Arts’ Archive site.

On this site you can find a selection of the multimedia content held in NCLA’s research archive relating to the centre’s events and projects. The archive utilises the power of social media to move beyond traditional approaches to classification of archival content. Archival objects exist in one of four top level categories Image, Audio, Video and Text. Beyond these broad categories objects are collaboratively and dynamically tagged and indexed, allowing the archive to constantly evolve and form new connections as it grows.

An archive of NCLA’s courses, events and news is currently held on the main NCLA site.

Full access to the NCLA research archive can be arranged for individual researchers and research projects. In the first instance, please email ncenla@ncl.ac.uk with a brief description of your research project.

This site is a member of the NCLA Community, an innovative online project that draws together the web resources affiliated with NCLA.

The majority of the videos from 2013-2022 were recorded and edited by NCLA associate staff member Peter Hebden, with other videos recorded by Jeff Wilson, Kate Sweeney, John Challis, Theresa Muñoz, Fred Hollingsworth, as well as other staff members from Culture Lab, Newcastle University.

If you have any comments, suggestions or feedback please contact NCLA via email at: ncenla@ncl.ac.uk

All material and content featured on this website are protected by copyright legislation and licensed for use on this website only. They may be used for non-commercial use only, including private study, personal use and limited educational purposes as defined by copyright exemptions. Any other use of the material and content of this website is strictly prohibited, including further copying or publishing for commercial use or the creation of derivative works. It is the responsibility of the individual seeking to publish or make commercial use of an image to obtain permission from the copyright holder(s).

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