Images from the Newcastle Poetry Festival 2019 which took place between 1st May and 4th May 2019 at the Sage Gateshead and the Northern Stage. To…

leafy green pokes itself from the piss-patched slabs rest their fertile fuzz upon the sidewalk emerald anarchists reclaiming order if i lay perch my palms…

The Wait We wait. We wait For the turn of a blank page At the end of a book. For the final chapter that Fell…

Whispers Listening to music on headphones, Suddenly the world is behind you, Burrowed in the back of your brain, Calling, blaming, teasing, howling. Who puts…

Home A pretty parcel Wrapped up in red. Before me the bow comes Away like burned skin and The paper, retorting in Agony, reveals a…

The Pressure of Love Your eyes are (glass)y Like a mouth ajar (crack)ling Spits tears through its (open)ing And you now (under)stand That this thing…

Muddled In the middle of the Atlantic Lives bad news A whale Wistfully singing Through the storm Of cold And unmade beds Which twinkle Under…

‘secrets’ was a winning poem in the 2019 Newcastle Young People’s Poetry Competition.

August 11th 1980 August 11th 1980. The blue, the black, the cadmium yellow, They’d said the crossing was fine; no one really knew. All apart…

I wish I wish I had no fear I wish I had teleportation I wish I had a Basset Hound I wish I had a…
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